Friday 16 January 2009

The Plan

Firstly life Is going well and I'm getting more and more experience with the Kelpies, I haven't been out as much as I could have but none the less I have Improved despite a leaky suit.

After over a year of research I've come up with the plan of how I'm going to accomplish my goal; become a commercial diver. In some kind of order...

  • Get my eye fixed. My damn catarcht has to go, should be done this year. A big thanks to the twat who punched me all those year's ago.
  • Complete my apprenticship. I've just entered my third year, not long to go now before I'm a time served welder. It's dragging In but hey!
  • Get into the dockyard diving team. I've contacted the relevant people, I'm going to see the diving gaffer next week. If you don't ask you don't get. This would be a major coup for me as It would give me valuable experience In the commercial diving environment. This can't be stressed enough; experience of using the tools and equipment will set me apart and give me a better chance of getting off-shore.
  • Failing that, go to a dive school. I had settled with the PDA In Dunoon but seeing as the Norsk Yrkesdykkerskole Is a good school too and half the price I'm going there. If this venture fails It won't sting too much that way. Also seeing a bit of the world won't hurt. Even adding the living expenses on It's still way cheaper.
The Norsk Yrkesdykkerskole(Norwegian Diving School) website...